How The Spiders In Queen Creek Could Be Dangerous

Serving Families Throughout San Tan Valley
a black widow spider crawling in its web

The warm, dry Arizona climate is attractive to a variety of insects. When you have an abundance of insects, there is invariably a significant amount of spiders preying on them.
Spider infestations have been a serious issue for Queen Creek homeowners in recent years, with hundreds of households upended in the effort to clear the house of these eight-legged creepy crawlers.

While most spiders are harmless and even beneficial to your property by keeping the population of bugs and other spiders down, a couple of species are poisonous and known to bite if threatened.

Let's take a quick look at the most common house spiders you might run into in your Queen creek home, the types of spiders you should watch out for, how to get spiders out of your house, and if that fails, how to find reliable pest control in Queen Creek.

Types Of Dangerous Spiders In Queen Creek

While Arizona has the dubious honor of hosting hundreds of varieties of spiders, the only two you should be wary of are black widow spiders and brown recluses.

The black widow is one of the easiest spiders to identify, the bogeyman we've all seen in a million movies and TV shows. They're 1 1/4 inch to 1 3/8 inches in size, with a shiny black body and characteristic red hourglass markings on the abdomen.

Black widows build webs that are usually close to the floor and in dark, dry, somewhat protected locations. A bite from a black widow spider is extremely painful and usually accompanied by fever, nausea, an irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure. Without access to immediate medical attention, a black widow bite can result in terminal consequences.

Brown recluse spiders are on the smaller side when compared to black widows, 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch, light to dark brown with a darker violin-shaped mark on the back. You're most likely to bump into a brown recluse getting firewood from the woodpile or in a basement or outbuilding.

A brown recluse bite is very painful, and the injected venom kills the surrounding tissue resulting in an ulcerating sore that takes a very long time to heal. Brown recluse spiders are not aggressive spiders but will bite if threatened or cornered. They account for more serious spider bites in the United States than any other spider.

The Harm That Spiders Could Cause

Spiders bring with them some definite benefits, mostly by keeping the population of other Queen Creek pest bugs down in size. However, when the number of spiders in your house grows to the point of an infestation, there is a cause to worry.

Beneficial or not, no one wants to have these creepy crawlers crawling all over the house, and while most spiders are not poisonous, their bites can be painful and get easily infected.

Six Environmentally-Friendly Spider Prevention Tips

Ridding your house of spiders once they establish and grow in number is not a task for the faint of heart so let's take a look at a few ways to prevent Queen Creek spiders in the first place:

  1. Rid your property of piles of brush, and cut down the grass by the sides of your house.
  2. Seal holes in outside walls, window frames, and foundation.
  3. Don't store firewood close to the house.
  4. Clear out clutter from your home where spiders can hide.
  5. Try using vinegar and essential oils to help deter spiders from spinning their webs.
  6. Make sure to quickly take care of any bug infestation to avoid attracting spiders.

If you're facing a spider infestation despite your best prevention efforts, it's time to call a professional!

The Most Effective Spider Control Method For Queen Creek Homes

An experienced pest control professional will be able to determine what kind of spiders you're dealing with by their webs and other signs they leave behind and rid your house of spiders and their eggs.

Call Canopy Pest Control today for help getting rid of spiders, with effective home pest control services in Queen Creek.